
​​​L. P. Suzanne​ Atkinson​

I attended the 2015 Iceland Writers Retreat in Reykjavik, Iceland April 7-12. The above photos represent a taste of my adventure - the city during our literary tour, the Gullfoss Falls, and Pingvellir National Park where the North American and European tectonic plates are slowly separating at about 1 cm per year and you can walk down inside - we did that during a blizzard. The retreat was inspiring and Iceland was like nothing else on earth.
The Hollow Log Cafe in Caledonia proved to be a great venue. The staff were wonderful and lots of people turned out for a reading and to buy books. I'm looking forward to going there again and again.

Liverpool Launch at Memories Cafe & Eatery on Sunday, September 14, 2014. We had a great time and I appreciate everyone who took the trouble to come out.

Ties That Bind is finally here and available everywhere. Check the News and Events page for launches and readings.

Do I look happy or what?This was part of a photo shoot for a newspaper and things got a little goofy after awhile. Having my picture taken is not my favourite thing!