
​​​L. P. Suzanne​ Atkinson​
The Books - Twelve Listed

Emily's Will Be Done
After the sudden death of my friend Emily, I, a Nova Scotia Social Worker and business person, find myself the sole executrix of what turns out to be a very complicated estate, compounded by mystery and wrapped in layers of lessons learned. Like many of life’s episodes and occurrences experienced for the first time, one does not know what one does not know. I wind my way through necessary steps, holding tight to a friendship lost, and persevering amid the torment of beneficiaries, banks, and unanswered questions. Emily’s Will Be Done not only tells the story of executing an estate fraught with the standard inherent difficulties, it tells a story of love and loss, of a lonely woman layered with enigmas and surrounded by secrets, of how friendship may well transcend life itself. You will discover the many facets of Emily as you uncover the mysteries of the executor role along the way.
This book is a penetrating account of the emotional aspects of administering a friend's estate and ensuring that her wishes are fulfilled, despite the frustrations of "red tape". After over forty years as a lawyer in this field, I recommend the book both as a preparation for the layperson who may one day face the same chore, and for the professional who could improve the quality of his services by gaining much insight into the client's point of view.
Borden L. Conrad, Q.C.
This book is an education and a poignant journey of discovery, (and it reads like a guilty pleasure).
A must-read for anyone who plans to execute a will and a should-read for everybody else, Emily's
Will Be Done is a striking achievement.
Lynn Mc Carron, editor
Hey Suzanne< what a great book "EMILY's WILL BE DONE" I ate, chewed, and absorbed every word I could, so my ageing brain will keep every word at hand. I loved it and will again read it through and through. Congratulations, and I will try to impress everyone to buy it. Your friend Beryl thanks again.
Beryl Hatt - Facebook, August 2, 2013
Nicely done. Finished it last night. I must say, your writing has great clarity, an admirable trait …
Marq deVilliers - Author - August 6, 2013
"Many thanks for the book. It arrived and we have both read it and are both going to read it again. Great read, flowed so well, also a good reference for taking on the role of executor/executrix."
Sonya and Ed Jones - August 10, 2013
I enjoyed it immensely. Will probably read it again. You did a phenomenal job with writing and following Emily's wishes.
Louise Keeley - Facebook, August 11, 2013
I loved the book, Suzanne. It's one of those reads that when you pick it up, you can't put it down till you hear how it unfolds...you are indeed a talented writer!
Linda Chaffey - Facebook, August 17, 2013
Once I started, I just couldn't put it down!! Not only is the subject covered in an interesting and educational manner, but the writing itself is superb!! Congrats on a great first edition...I give it a thumb-up for sure.
Sharon Hicks - Facebook, August 18, 2013
The book was eye-opening for what you went through, having to put aside your personal feelings. It was inspiring.
Agnes Comeau - August 29, 2013
What a wonderful piece of writing...reading Emily's Will Be Done was just like having a conversation with you...talking along and all of a sudden you go off on a tangent before continuing back again where you left off. Thoroughly enjoyable and informative.
Joanne Peterson - Facebook, August 29, 2013
We have to take our hats off to you and hope this is not the end of your writing career. We will use your book as a guide to getting ready for the inevitable. Please let us know where it can be purchased so we can pass on the info. to friends.
Vaughn and Barbara Brenton - September 5, 2013
Suzanne, what a great read. You did a great job. Looking forward to the next one. I guess you are right. We never truely know someone. You have made me think and will have specific lists for my executor. Keep up the good work.
Vano Gust - Facebook, September 6, 2013
I absolutely loved your book!!! I finished it last evening and found it hard to put down when interrupted. It not only was a glimpse into Emily's life but the author's as well. I found it to be both an adventure and a mystery, with all the twists and turns of events. Also giving me much to think about regarding our own Wills, and of course housekeeping.
Anna-Stell Vaughn - September 10, 2013
Just finished your book and what an amazing story. I found it quite fascinating and there s so much involved in fulfilling your obligations. My sister and I are executors for one another and when I finished the book I came in and started going through some papers and will do more, and my sister and I will discuss each other's wishes.
Donna Vickery - September 18, 2013
Thanks for delivering a powerful message and a wonderul read. It has a wonderful ending in hat you honoured your friend and went well eyond staing true to her wishes, and more importantly, staying tue to yourself.
Joan - Lethbridge - November 17, 2013
I enjoyed your writing style; i.e. your use of words and phrasing. It all went togethet so easily. Probably not so easy for you. ...I was getting my will updated. Your hints at the back came in handy in two instances.
Pat Cochrane - December 2, 2013
I finished your book yesterday having enjoyed it thoroughly. It was eminently readable as well as highly informative. I think you are to be commended for the succinct, yet thoughtful, way that you were able to tell this story.
Mary - Halifax - December 4, 2013
Just wanted you to know - thoroughly enjoyed the book. A job well done in many ways!
Barb Moir - December 13, 2013
I've just finished and found 'Emily's Will Be Done' a very interesting and informative read which brought my attention to straightening and eliminating some of my own stuff. Your personality shows through in your writing, Suzanne -- your loyalty to your good friend. She was lucky to have you to look after her affairs in such a caring and organized manner. I find your lists very helpful, things I hadn't thought of. Thank-you. Now I must get at it, since I, like Emily, have been a collector (hoarder) -- and sadly, we're not getting any younger. I look forward to your next book!
Cathy C. January 19, 2015

Ties That Bind
​This is a novel about Dr. Norah Clarke, a woman, both unexceptional and extraordinary. It is about how she’s affected by people and happenings around her and how, in turn, she effects the lives of others. It is a story of forgiveness and loss; a story of learning to love and be loved; a story of growing, of friendship and of simple pleasures.
The novel spans the better part of six decades, weaving together the culture, politics, and landscapes of those times. Each contact, each experience brings its particular influence into the picture of a life being lived in the best way possible, given both the endurances and alternatives.
Dr. Clarke, the professor, is introduced to you at the beginning of the fall semester. You will be propelled back in time to watch her struggle in her journey to become the woman you believe her to be. You are likely to be annoyed with some of her decisions and oftentimes frustrated with the results.
Like all of us on our journey, we are bound by our experiences, shaped by our choices, and molded by the vessel of life that surrounds us. The power to change course comes with the gaining of insights into the impacts of the ties that bind
Comments re: Ties That Bind
What can I say but another ‘great’ read!
From the beginning you captured my interest in Norah’s experiences. Comparing her journey in life to mine, I can relate to several things, one being her unusual name.
Looking forward to your next publication.
Anna-Stell V.
September 3, 2014
I have read Ties that Bind. I enjoyed it a lot! Excellent dialog and sense of place, good character and plot development. I like the characters. It was kind of fun to see you in some of the details. You were right to foreshadow the crawl to disaster that her first naive marriage was. Your attention to everyday life and routines and interactions reminded me a bit of Barbara Pym and a bit of Alexander McCall Smith's Edinburg novels. Meave Binchey, even. (That's a Good Thing.) There is comfort in narratives of daily life, although not devoid of excitement of a familiar sort. I mean, the kind of problems you can imagine dealing with yourself. Yes, a comfort.
Kat W.
September 4, 2014
I couldn't put it down. Thank you for writing such a wonderful, insightful book.
Sue C.
September 21, 2014
I enjoyed the book and found once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down.
Jean. E.
October 7, 2014
I just wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed "Ties That Bind". The story is captivating and the characters engaging... super read. Thanks so much and keep writing.
Linda T.
October 27, 2014
It was a great read. I love strong female characters and really enjoyed the relationship between Norah and Beth throughout the book. I really enjoyed Ties That Bind and look forward to sharing it with friends. You will appreciate this Suzanne - I am a big believer that books should be shared and read and I am not one to keep shelves of books, I like to keep them in circulation - I did however tell my running friend about your book and offered to loan it to her but found myself telling her she had better look after it because I really want it back. That is a pretty high compliment from me. I will enjoy reading it again from a different perspective when I move into other phases of my life. Looking forward to reading more, hope you are busy writing!
Pat G.
November 11, 2014
Well done, Suzanne. This is a book to give to your friends who enjoy an entertaining read. The detailed descriptions make you part of Norah's journey as you see them in your mind and anxiously await the next chapter. Can't wait for the next book to come out.
LaVerne P.
November 18, 2014
I am writing to let you know how much I enjoyed your story-telling abilities. Being a semi-collector, as well as having grown up here in the Annapolis Valley, the storyline was believable and so enjoyable to anticipate what might be coming next. I also know some of Montreal and really enjoyed the juxtaposition of here in the Valley to there in the City. I thought the characters were well-developed and realistic. I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning finishing the reading of it!
Pat G.
December 22, 2014
I just want to say that I really enjoyed reading this book. The story and the characters are so real - you can actually see them. The only bad part of the story was that it came to an end! Looking forward to your next book.
Debbie D.
January 8, 2015
I have just finished reading "Ties That Bind" and must tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is so well written and your descriptions are so vivid. You've covered so many aspects of life that many can relate to. You write in such a natural way.... Great job - keep up the good work! You have an amazing talent!!
Cathy C.
January 13, 2015
Station Secrets: Regarding Hayworth Book I
ISBN - paperback - 978-1-4602-6918-6
ISBN - ebook - 978-1-4602-6919-0
Available across all platforms
Hayworth, Alberta—for them, a haven to escape the past and start a new life.
Everyone has secrets, and The Station serves as a refuge for such a collection of, seemingly, ordinary souls.
Meet Benjamine Tullis, the recently retired antique dealer; Cheryl Nadler, the petite young adoption social worker; Joe Dodd, the cat-rescuing independent carpenter; Rose Woodward, the medical secretary, and her sister, Maggie who was institutionalized most of her life; Patrick Hollinger, the toy collecting dishwasher; and Amanda Wolski, the young mother and building manager, married to her gorgeous, mechanic husband, Chester.
Hear their stories in their own words. Experience their struggles as they reveal the circumstances of their secrets. Come to know why they are in Hayworth. Discover the significance of their confluence at this pivotal time, and at this juncture of their lives.

Hexagon Dilemma: Regarding Hayworth Book II
ISBN - paperback - 978-0-9949590-2-7
ISBN - ebook - 978-0-9949590-1-0
Gaby Ridgway is forty and widowed. She moves to the small town of Hayworth, Alberta the summer of 1977 in an attempt to rebuild, restore, and renew her life.
Her career as a family counsellor for the Alberta government Department of Health and Welfare is jeopardized by a suspicious disappearance, a Nova Scotia murder, and the complications of fear and uncertainty when she is stalked by a troubled and persistent client.
Throughout the investigations that follow, Gaby is forced to rethink, re-examine, and revise her concepts of herself as both a professional and a member of the Hayworth community.
Gaby’s story serves to remind us all of our core values. When faced with an ethical dilemma, are you prepared for personal sacrifice in order to hold fast to what you know is your true self?
Segue House Connection: Regarding Hayworth Book III
ISBN - paperback - 978-0-9949590-9-6
ISBN - ebook - 978-0-9958696-0-8
Shelter is defined as refuge, sanctuary, or a place of protection.
Segue is defined as transition.
In this third book of the Regarding Hayworth series, the women’s shelter known as Segue House is the setting in Hayworth, a small town in northern Alberta
You will be re-introduced to Ronny Étang, the mysterious counsellor with the vague family history; Ava Burrway, the manager who has created a home and family for herself in a rundown apartment building; and Maggie Woodward, the child-like bookkeeper. You will also meet Shelia Pasco, the overnight security guard, distant and antisocial while longing to be loved.
Segue House is a shelter for women and children seeking escape from violence and abuse. Segue House also serves as sanctuary for the connecting force that ultimately threatens to undermine the safety and security that has become so important in their lives.
Segue House Connection examines the unintended consequences of behaviours when lives intersect by chance.

Diner Revelations: Regarding Hayworth Book IV
Roz Dover finished her shift as a cleaner at the Hayworth Community Hospital at 11:00 PM on the evening of August 6, 1981. She has never been seen since.
Diner Revelations: Regarding Hayworth Book IV is the final instalment of the series. The reader has followed the lives of residents who make their home in a small town located in northern Alberta.
Gaby Ridgeway and Joe Dodd, Chester and Amanda Wolski, Patrick Hollinger, and Audrey Boranski navigate through twists and turns in the puzzle of Roz’s disappearance. The truth at the end of the journey, as only the reader will come to understand, is not necessarily what anyone expects.
Learn what happened to Roz Dover. At the same time, realize how friends may not be exactly as they seem. Discover how emotions can pivot someone back into the person they once buried and never intended to reveal again.
No Visible Means: A Stella Kirk Mystery #1
Witnesses saw Lorraine Young arrive home. Her 1977 black Malibu is parked beside her twenty-seven-foot Holiday Rambler trailer. All her windows and doors are bolted from the inside, but she’s not there.
Stella Kirk has the instinctive ability to frame a question in a way that elicits a long-buried answer. As the owner of Shale Cliffs RV Park, she tackles the disappearance of one of her seasonal residents with a vengeance.
Aiden North, a police detective and her high school sweetheart from almost thirty years ago, investigates with Stella’s help. Nick Cochran, the park manager and Stella’s secret lover, supports their efforts.
Read the first Stella Kirk Mystery. Be part of the journey to answer the question: Whatever happened to Lorraine Young?
Didn't Stand A Chance: A Stella Kirk Mystery #2
ISBN - paperback: 978-0-9958696-6-0
ISBN - e book: 978-0-9958696-7-7
The assumed accidental death of a young bride leads Detective Aiden North and Stella Kirk, the owner of the Shale Cliffs RV Park, into an investigation fraught with sibling secrets, revealing choices, and unforgivable misunderstandings. Which family member holds the ultimate power of influence? Will Lucy Painter’s murder be confirmed? Will the perpetrator be exposed? Will family ties be unbreakable to the end?
Didn’t Stand a Chance: A Stella Kirk Mystery #2 illustrates how perceived sacrifice and devotion can be twisted into horrible results for a family.

Sand In My Suitcase: A Stella Kirk Mystery # 3
ISBN-paperback -978-0-9958-6968-4
ISBN - ebook - 978-0-9958-6969-1
Her dear friend is dead.
She finds the body.
Follow Stella Kirk and Detective Aiden North as they uncover Paulina McAdams’ secrets.
Will a diary reveal her life story once the code is broken?
In their search for answers, Stella and Aiden untangle the clues of a clandestine affair, a long-held confidence, and a past indiscretion refusing to be left behind.
Did a series of random encounters ultimately lead to blackmail and murder?

Fictional Truth: A Stella Kirk Mystery # 4
ISBN Paperback - 978-1-7776005-2-5
ISBN e-book - 978-1-7776005-3-2
Was Owen Ellis-Thomas pushed or did he fall? Stella Kirk and Aiden North must discover if a budding author’s death was a simple case of misadventure, or if his murder was the culmination of sinister secrets paired with decidedly poor writing.
The Shale Harbour First Annual Writers Retreat ends almost before it begins when a budding author is found dead at the bottom of the stairs at the Community Hall and Playhouse. He was a collector of the secrets of others; an unpleasant young man disliked by most. The workshop instructors have questionable backgrounds, partake in clandestine affairs, and are cloaked in confidential circumstances. Stella Kirk and Aiden North sort through the noise, understand the victim’s methods, and finally determine what is fiction and what is truth.

Mallory Gorman Won't Be Buried Today: A Stella Kirk Mystery # 5
ISBN eBook 978-1-7776005-5-6
ISBN Paperback 978-1-7776005-4-9
Stella Kirk refuses to be put off by Detective Aiden North’s lack of enthusiasm. A body has been discovered at the bottom of a grave not yet inhabited by the intended owner, and two residents of Harbour Manor are missing—according to her demented father. There must be a link and Stella battles to connect the dots.
Growing old is not for the faint of heart and growing old alone increases the struggle.
Follow Stella Kirk as she learns the challenges of caring for the elderly and discovers the opportunities available to take advantage of the vulnerable. Murders may or may not have been committed. You be the judge.

Fate Deals The Cards: A Stella Kirk Mystery # 6
ISBN Book: 978-1-7776005-7-0
ISBN E-Book 978-1-7776005-8-7
Call it karma or call it chance. When all is said and done, you must play the cards you’re dealt.
Stella Kirk and Detective Aiden North face complications related to friendships, buried secrets, and childhood trauma in their quest to discover the killer. Personal issues cloud the landscape and family ties prove weaker than assumed. Can a person feel humiliated even when no one else is aware? The lives of others are never as we expect.